Thursday, June 02, 2005

In Peru!!!

Hola! I just want to say that I?m safe and sound in Peru... after so many adventures in just 1 day! Finally after 18 hours of flight from London to Lima via Madrid, and then a domestic flight from Lima to Cusco, and after all the lugging of my 24-kg-luggage, I have finally reached my destination! The car that I was in ALMOST got hit by another car in Lima (only 2 cm away and emergency brake), I?m really lucky to have survived!

I can?t really say much now... because with all the jet lag and stuff... The altitude sickness is kicking in now... I?m feeling really dizzy now... Or was it the Peruvian guinea pig I had for lunch? By the way, coca tea is fantastic.

But I promise there will be more detailed updates when my body is coping better with everything in Peru!

Cusco is really amazing! In contrast, Lima is crazy.

Until then!

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