Friday, December 31, 2004

Last Entry of 2004



翻阅了一年来的 blog ,是很多事发生,不过还有很多事没写,是我选择不写,因为这些事或许不应该在这里公开,因为有些事是只有自己才会明白(或者不明白),而世界上其他的人是无法理解只有我明白(或者不明白)的事的。我知道你在读,有你关心对我来说是很窝心。但是,我不知道到底有谁在看,所以这个本来是宣泄情绪的地方已经让我写得很片面,很表面,很 superficial。很多时候,我只是形容事情的来龙去脉,我去了哪里,我做了什么,我要做什么……仅此而已。我也不知道为什么你还在看我写的垃圾,因为现在回头看,我觉得很多时候,我是在浪费我的时间写,浪费你的时间读。

把生活写出来,很多人已经渐渐远去,因为已经没有和我直接沟通的必要,只要到这里来,就能大概了解我的近况如何。当别人知道我的近况而我不知道他们过得怎样,我觉得我变得很脆弱,甚至不堪一击。When other people knows everything that’s happened to me and I don’t know how they are doing, I feel vulnerable. 我不喜欢这样的感觉,或许,这是我曾经决定不写的原因。其实,当初决定写,决定公开写的东西,就应该料到会有这么一个结果。





Sunday, December 26, 2004


I have never spent my Christmas this way before, simple but memorable. Jogging around Hampstead and the heath, last minute Christmas shopping with Alvaro in Hampstead (of course I had crepes again), midnight mass and hymns at the chapel followed by punch and snacks, formal lunch with aperitif, exchange of Christmas presents (I got a Muji 2005 diary!), films in the evening… In short, it was a very relaxed English Christmas, though it wasn’t a white one.

I enjoyed Christmas really and all of a sudden, I realise I actually love London, even the dreary weather that I love to complain about is actually nice in a way that I can’t describe it as yet this moment.

So deciding not to travel this time round does have its pros.

Friday, December 24, 2004


参观 Louvre Museum 后准备去香榭丽舍大道的途中,经过 Louvre 毗邻的公园的时候,我几乎给这公园给慑住了。我从来没有到过法国巴黎,可是公园的一草一木却让我感觉我是回到这公园,而不是第一次到这公园。




“我想,我等,我期待,未来却不能因此安排。阴天,傍晚,车窗外,未来有一个人在等待…… 我排着队,拿着爱的号码牌……我遇见谁,会有怎样的对白。我等的人,他在多远的未来。”




Thursday, December 23, 2004


今天在早报网看到华文报的人事调动,让我清楚知道我毕业后六年的新闻合约不可能做 stand-upper 或者做 VO 的事实已经成为无法扭转的定局了。以前实习的时候,老是跟自己说以后上电视的机会多的是,于是实习的时候总是偷懒,用 VO 带过新闻,这样就省却做 stand-upper 和 NG 的时间。传美还曾跟我说,以后有关电视新闻要学的还多着,才几个月的时间,现在想做都没有机会了,这是一种很矛盾的感受。日后的新闻工作量可能因为电视媒体的整合减少了,但却可能也变的乏味了许多。还以为日后可以很自豪地跟别地的媒体朋友说,岛国的记者是双栖的,现在“双栖”一词已经走入历史。“我们都是这场闹剧的主角”,我记得琬绯几个月前这样形容,实在贴切。




Wednesday, December 22, 2004

No bags, no travel

I understand perfectly my steadfast desires to travel and to get out of London whenever there’s a holiday or a break. That’s why when Yoichi asked me if he can borrow my Deuter backpack for his trip to Rome and Japan, I agreed without any contemplation. And then when Pearson asked me if he can borrow my suitcase as he’s going home to Zimbabwe for Christmas, I lent him my suitcase almost immediately as well.

So, I deliberately lent out all my bags and now, I have no luggage at all to travel with (many other people are going away too, so I have no people to borrow from). I clearly know that my travel desires will eventually snowball into something that I myself can’t control that I’ll most probably book a last minute flight to Madrid or Athens. So, it’s easy now. No bags, no travel. I’ll stay in dreary London for the 1st time during a break.

Anyway, the thought of spending my summer in South America is inviting enough, though I just realised that it will be winter there and then. My application for at least a 6-week stay in Peru got accepted a few weeks ago. Hopefully I’ll be able to accomplish something meaningful while in Peru, just like in Thailand. And hopefully with sufficient Spanish skills by then, I will be able to go to Brazil, Argentina et al. for another 2-3 weeks.

Facing a difficult choice between Europe and South America with limited financial resources, I will choose the latter since I’ve been to 7 European countries already and they all look the same after some time.

South America, here I come!

Monday, December 20, 2004

3 度的跑

今天的天气很好,一朵白云也没有,可是却异常地冷。天空也异常地湛蓝,就像你现在看到这样的蓝。我不想错过这样的好天气,于是,我跑出家门在 3 度的 Hampstead 跑了 40 分钟,竟然在 3 度的空气中留了一大堆汗,很凉很爽。



"Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" by Garth Brooks

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the yuletide gay
From now on our troubles will be far away

Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more

Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more

Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now
Birthday on Tuesday in Hampstead

It wasn’t anything fancy. Just a simple get together at 10pm in the evening, with an ordinary birthday cake as usual, with 30 over people singing the all-too-familiar birthday song, with 30 over guys of different nationalities giving their wishes and blessings deep from their heart, and also in different languages as well.

Prior to that, Neil, Ben and I had a nice evening walk around Hampstead after dinner. Neil, who knows Hampstead like the back of his hand, brought Ben and I to another part of Hampstead that we’ve never been before, even though it is really near our house. Christmas trees, lights, carols make Hampstead more appealing than ever. No wonder so many people want to live here. For instance, George Orwell worked in Hampstead and Keats stayed here before. Sigmund Freud stayed in Hampstead before as well, just opposite my house. I’ll write about Sigmund Freud House next time.

After which the three of us had 1.5 pints of Stella each at this simply gorgeous traditional English pub in Hampstead called Holly Bush. The pub is situated on a small hill, the interior of which is really cosy and lovely. This is the first time I went to this pub and I really adore it. Holly Bush has a history of more than 200 years, which reminds me of Trout Inn in Oxford (Trout Inn is 900+ years old). I really love Trout Inn as well and I hope to go back when I re-visit Oxford again. Old traditional pubs just exude an inexorable charm on me that I can’t resist.

I’m loving Hampstead more and more. Neil says Hampstead is even better than Mayfair and I absolutely have to agree. I’ll write about Hampstead crepes (I’ve tried 30 over different crepes so far, a few more to finish everything on the menu!!), Hampstead Heath and Kenwood House among many fabulous things in Hampstead in the near future.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Hey guys,

Thanks a lot! I"ve had a wonderful fantastic 22nd birthday today! I'll write more when I'm more sober! :p


Monday, December 13, 2004

Christmas Carols

Yesterday night was carols - my first in my entire life. There were more than 100 people, I think, in the lounge singing the all-too-familiar Christmas carols. I seriously don’t know where they come from. Anyway, we had a nice cosmopolitan crowd of Germans, French, Italians, Spanish, Koreans, Chinese, British etc. Wine was of course an important part of the night, along with lots of punch and juice. This is the first time that I actually feel the Christmas atmosphere - I have a Christmas tree in my lobby, I had turkey for Christmas dinner last week, and Christmas isn’t even here yet. Now Christmas presents will be perfect to bring everything to a beautiful end on December 25. :p

Saturday, December 11, 2004


这几天编辑 Hwa Chong Nite 的刊物,城的回忆自然而然地在我脑海里反复闪烁。然后听着《听城》,听着属于我们的歌曲,看着我们在城里拍的照片,然后听到《唱一首华初的歌》,又理所当然地想起梁文福几个月前写的那首同名的诗。那两年的时光虽然已经远去,但是却历历在目。那两年真的像梦一样,在城里是梦是醒我真的搞不清楚,或许部分原因是睡眠不足所以我才会觉得半梦半醒。原来,我一直活在自己的那段历史中,我一直守护这个如泡沫般脆弱的梦境。现在才发现,这一切都是多余的。城门如今永远封闭,我对城的回忆实在没有必要执拙下去。



Tuesday, December 07, 2004











(这是我为《Hwa Chong Nite 2004-05》Magazine 写的序。)

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Foggy London

I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I woke up yesterday morning seeing everything blurry in front of me. It did not take me long to realise that the infamous London fog had returned. Temperatures have wavered around freezing point last weekend and these few days. This heralded the early arrival of winter, much earlier than last year, and it’s forecasted that we might have a white Christmas in London this year, since Warwick and Nottingham have already snowed 2 weeks ago. There is seriously something very wrong with the London weather and seasons now.


The desperate need for money has prompted me to sacrifice my precious time to engage in many experiments. Yesterday’s Economics experiment was the best so far - I earned 13 pounds in a short-40-minutes-span. Somehow I always feel better when I convert back to Singapore dollars in this kind of context - that’s S$40 in 40 minutes or an earning of S$1 per minute! The past two months had seen my bank reserves increased by 104.5 pounds for taking part in 15 experiments. That’s extremely easy money and I’ve two more coming up.

But I still need more money to live comfortably (read: to be able to eat Hampstead crepes every two or three days) and to cover my Peru expenses, and so I’ve decided to scout for part-time work around Hampstead. There are lots of shops looking for temp staff due to the festive season, so it shouldn’t be a huge problem looking for work. Hopefully I’ll be able to earn a few hundred pounds over Christmas and New Year.

Christmas Dinner

Yesterday night was Christmas Dinner as well. Everybody dressed up in suits and everybody thought the mandarin collar suit I was wearing was Singapore’s national dress, after which I tried to explain that Singapore actually don’t have its own national dress. All along I thought my suit was Chinese until somebody told me that my suit might be Indian instead.

Anyway, we had the aperitif as usual before the dinner, and then turkey for the actual dinner which I thought wasn’t that fantastic. Nevertheless, the red wine was very good. The dinner (and toasts) lasted almost two hours, which I thought was very long since it’s the traditional British dinner with only three courses. Then was a Christmas Show put up by some guys and in short, we enjoyed ourselves tremendously and thoroughly. I’m looking forward to Christmas in Hampstead.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Oh, so I’m not invisible

“Hey, I haven’t seen you for more than a week! How have you been?”

I got the above response from Conrad, Eugene, Neil, Henry, Antonio, Alvaro amongst many others on different occasions in my hall, after disappearing for more than 10 days, after skipping dinner for more than 10 days because of my schedule so hectic that I even had to bunk in at Justin’s place one night because we stopped working on the props at 2 am.

And I really feel good that there are actually people who are concerned about me. People who aren’t Singaporeans. People I thought who can’t be bothered with everything else except their own lives.

So, I am really glad that I’ve chosen not to share a flat with Singaporeans then. I am really glad that I’m in Netherhall instead.

Like what Eugene said very exaggeratingly, “Just having friends from Netherhall is more than sufficient. We basically won’t be lonely even without any other friends.”

Hence, I’ve decided to stay here for my third year as well, even though the rules are really strict. Simply because of the wonderful Hampstead environment, because of the ever-tempting Hampstead crepes, because of the incredible people here at Netherhall.

Anyway, that’s the sole purpose in pursuing an overseas education, ain’t it? I’m here in London not to stay in my comfort zone and I’m not here to mix with Singaporeans only.

I’m happy I’ve made the right choice.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Crazy Past Week
(more photos will be uploaded on my gallery when I have the time)

Part of the 30-member-cast-and-crew

Justin & I did the Chinese restaurant set

Declan and I

(1) Pagoda Street

The past week has been crazy with theatre (read: drama theatre). I spent more hours in the Garage Theatre than in the lecture theatre. In the end, I did not hand in my essay which I knew I could never complete in time because I did not do my reading. I had nothing to say in my seminar class because I did not do my reading. I did not run my experimental subjects which I was supposed to, hence we had to find subjects last minute during the lab class. I slept late every night and so, overslept every morning and in the end, I had to skip the first lecture at 10 am every day (Note that 10 am is early by British standards).

Now that Pagoda Street has ended, a sense of emptiness overwhelmed, similar to the PHD (read: Post-Huang-cheng-Depression) syndrome experienced after Huang Cheng. Though the spirit in Pagoda Street is not even 10% that of Huang Cheng’s, it still felt extremely heart-warming before, during and after every performance. More friendships forged and it’s pleasant to know that my props buddy gained something extra from the musical as well. Heh… :p

(2) 2nd VS Haircut

I had my second Vidal Sassoon Haircut on Friday, not too bad an experience except for the fact that this is my most time-consuming haircut ever, even longer than the 1st VS haircut. This time round, it was a cool Greek chap from Cyprus who took 3 1/2 hours playing with my hair. Disconnecting wasn’t done; squaring was done instead. And I absolutely have to mention that his head massage was incredible. VS techniques are really good. Too bad Singapore has no VS.

(3) Other crazy stuff

With the end of Pagoda Street, it’s time to move on to accomplish some other important (and crazy) things on my agenda…

*Finally decided not to travel far at all (read: fly out of UK) this December unless some last minute plans emerged. So, I might still go to Scotland.

*I thought going to Peru is crazy enough for me, but something in my heart tells me that I should extend my Peru trip to include nearby places like Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and some other South American countries also. (I need intensive physical training and Spanish lessons soon to cope with the altitude and the Incan trail and everything else in Peru.)

*Desperately finding some sponsors to finance my Peru trip - need to write 4 essays to apply for the ProWorld scholarship (why do US people like to include essays in application forms so much?) and 1 essay and 2 forms for the UCL travel grant.

*Looking through some post-grad courses and sadly realised that I can’t apply to some universities like Harvard because their courses are at least two years long. Looks like I’m left with Stanford and Yale and Chicago, which I doubt I’ll get in as well.

*Need to study for GRE really soon because I will not have any time in summer.

*Thinking of going on host UK as well.

*Might be flying to Scandinavia to visit some friends early next year, and hopefully catch the Northern Lights.

*Might be doing another drama production in spring next year.

*Meanwhile, busy with the editing of the magazine for Hwa Chong Nite (WW and I thought it wouldn’t take us too long but we were damn wrong; we weren’t even half way through yet).

*And Christmas dinners and gatherings and charity runs and presentations coming up blah blah blah…

The above should be sufficient to keep me occupied for the rest of my second university year, so as not to let it pass unremarkably. It then seems like studying has become my part-time work really and other things (besides studying) take up 99% of my time now. Anyway, my days in London are numbered, and every moment is important and so I can’t afford to lose any.

In short, I’m leading a crazy life now. I need more sleep and more time and some drug more potent than caffeine.