Saturday, January 28, 2006

献给亲爱的 Barney ……

献给亲爱的 Barney ……

回来已经三个星期了,却什么也没有成就。讲议愈叠愈高,读书的兴致却成反比。很想在冬天一直冬眠下去,家里实在太过舒服,很多时候本来要出去,后来却索性赖在床上看英国电视,或者依靠着窗看着三三两两的人到对面的 Hampstead Heath 散步。


我想起了 Barney

Barney 已经离开我们快要一个月了,可是直至今日我还是无法习惯他(注:Barney 比人还有人性,所以用不用。)的不存在。他在狗的天堂一定很快乐。他走的时候是圣诞过后,我在埃及的时候。听 Stella 说,Barney 离开的时候是无忧无虑的,一点痛楚也没有。他就在 Hampstead Heath 习惯性地散步,然后越走越慢,最后停了下来,一动不动,在 Heath 的静谧中悄悄离我们而去。

他走了之后,家里没有人(我都说了 Barney 比人还有人性!)再看着我煮饭烧菜。他走了之后,家里没有人会再陪我看电视。我每次从学校回来的时候,没有他在大门摇着尾巴等候我的归来……

现在仅存的是埋在家里后花园的 Barney 的骨灰。


在狗年把这篇献给 Barney 。我知道他在天堂会眷顾我们。


Thursday, January 26, 2006



原来英国人也可以很友善。上个周末,我们开车到 North Wales 去,在停车场正要买停车票的时候,一位年轻妇女叫住我们,主动并且无条件地把她的车票拿给我们用,结果我们省了一笔钱。少了伦敦人的市侩贪婪,多了热情和友善,这是我们每次离开城市往小镇都能得到的深情款待。在冬天原来也能感受到阵阵暖意。

(哦对了,上周末我们前往 Snowdon 和 返回伦敦的途中又碰巧开车经过牛津……深夜的牛津格外迷人……)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Science is an art...

Science is an art…

Now that I have found the story, non-significance doesn’t bother me too much. Science is an art, Dr. L said. And now, I finally understand why. In fact, this piece of art is becoming more and more appealing to me…

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Oxford, yet again

Oxford, yet again.

I have lost count the number of times I went to Oxford, but I’m sure this number is no less than ten. Despite the fact I was there 3 weeks ago on Boxing Day, I agreed instantaneously to my friend’s invitation last Friday. And so, yet again, I went to Oxford 2 days ago.

To Oxford. For lunch and coffee.

I know Oxford like the back of my hand. And there really isn’t anything new for me to explore in that quaint little town. There is simply something indescribable about Oxford that is able to lure me there time after time.

Perhaps it’s the cobblestones that Oscar Wilde once trod on his way to a pub. Perhaps it’s that bench in Merton College on which Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings. Or maybe it’s Christ Church College which stimulated Lewis Carroll to write Alice in Wonderland. Or maybe its Great Hall, the inspiration of Hogwarts Hall in Harry Potter films.

Whatever it is, I know I will miss Oxford. Soon.

Or even now.

And of course, there is no doubt I will miss Trout Inn and Ben’s cookies.

Friday, January 13, 2006








(有时间的话,会把一些照片放在这里,敬请留意。Nile River 还有 Cesky Krumlov 果然名不虚传,漂亮地让我们屏息。)