Saturday, December 09, 2006

Dead Week

这个星期大学称为 Dead Week ,好贴切。

Dead Week 过了,我们都还活着,算是不错,还是吊诡?

活过 Dead Week 后,下个星期才是真正的挑战,我不知道我是不是能熬过。。。



Monday, November 27, 2006

Cock & Nipples @ Oahu

时空开始错乱,眼前明明是枯树落叶我却看成是夏威夷的茂密绿荫。虽然夏威夷让我失望,我现在却想念起夏威夷 Oahu 北岸的惊涛骇浪,还有在上面驰骋的冲浪好手,还有我们懵懂傻乎乎在 Waikiki 学习冲浪,结果是我们的伤痕累累,还有因此而来的荒谬,当然还有过去五天的无理取闹,大家叫彼此“cock” 多过自己的名字,就连“nipples” 也可以成为五天乐此不疲滔滔不绝的话题。


Saturday, November 25, 2006




Tuesday, November 14, 2006




Sunday, November 05, 2006


秋天了,明媚的阳光终究阻挡不了树叶的飘零。YJ 那天问:“为什么天气不冷,树叶还会枯萎?”我一时答不出,后来想了想,这或许是因为树的内在特质吧。就好像我窗外的常青树,现在还是树叶茂密的。不是每棵树都会卸下夏装的。而树的特质是不能或很难改变的。



Wednesday, October 25, 2006



简单的东西就能让我快乐一整天。一本好书、一小杯 Cappucino、甚至寥寥几句再简单不过的字眼,也会让我高兴一整天。

上个星期的某一天,J 在 MSN 上跟我说,我们班的 X 要结婚了,乍听之下,当然是惊,然后才渐渐感受到喜,而这喜却陪了我一整天。隔天,W 也特地发了电邮给我告知同样的消息,又让我乐了好久好久。


唯一的遗憾是,我只能告诉 J 和 W,我无法出席 X 的典礼。

Thursday, October 19, 2006





Monday, October 16, 2006


寂静的布拉格广场 (摄于2005年12月15日)

Charles Bridge in Prague(摄于2005年12月17日)

去年冬天的 Cesky Krumlov (摄于2005年12月17日)

Cesky Krumlov 的美让我们都屏息了好久好久。(摄于2005年12月17日)

我偶然想起林一峰那首叫做《重回布拉格》的歌,突然间唤起我在布拉格 (Prague) 的种种美好回忆。我想我这辈子也无法忘记飘着细细雪花中的布拉格广场,当然还有似乎只有在童话故事里才存在的唯美小镇 Cesky Krumlov。随着时间的流逝,Stanford 让我觉得越来越沉闷,越来越无趣。乍看之下,校园很漂亮,看久了也就腻了,当然我非常清楚明年的今天,我又会埋怨我多么想念在 Stanford 里的一草一木,一景一物。





《重回布拉格》  词曲:林一峰

重回布拉格 没有变的古城
经过繁忙繁忙咖啡店 像看到你背影但我很清醒
为了想起当天某些事 还是设法放弃当天某人

我可有为你哭 但这冲动太可笑
随著夜行列车远离 已忘掉细节的分秒
我只记著最好 在我心内你永不老
至少天气未转好 尚有公路我可拥抱

设法掌握得到的事 还是说句再见偏偏太迟

你可会为我哭 但这奢望太可笑
越过麦田夜空飞行中 还掂记谁的心跳
再不见面也好 但这心事你可知道
我应该笑著回忆 你让这生命再不枯燥
至少天气还算好 下一站永不知道

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Full Moon on the Quad & Mid Autumn Festival

Full Moon on the Quad (FMOTQ) - one of Stanford's biggest events of the year - was held last Saturday night.

Held on exactly the same night 9000 miles away was another vaguely familiar event called Mid Autumn Festival (MAF) at Hwa Chong.

The nature of FMOTQ and MAF was obviously vastly different, but I suppose there is one and only one reason for attending, as Robert Crook - a Stanford student - aptly summed up on October 9's "Stanford Daily":

"Why did we, a collection of different people with different interests, decide to band together and share this experience? Was it for the kissing? ...... Was it the music? ...... Was it a lack of better things to do?......

......The nature of this X factor remained unclear to me until about halfway through K. Flay's performance, when familiar faces began materializing out of the ether. One, then two, then three and four and five and six -- before I knew it, I was surrounded by people I had seen every day of freshman year. Our exchanges were unintelligible, our mannerisms flamboyant, our collective reason for being there now boneheadedly obvious: We went there to be there. Being there. Being there in the company of others, in the middle of something bigger than ourselves, embracing the idiosyncrasies of university life. That's the source of magic behind events like Full Moon and even, one could argue, behind the Stanford Experience."

But most faces around me on Saturday were unfamiliar. In actual fact, I am still struggling to remember their names and match their names with their faces (even though all are Singaporeans). I felt a tinge of homesickness then and there. I miss the Left Wing and Right Wing. I miss the mass dances. I miss the Wushu performance. I miss going to Sixth Avenue for icecream after MAF...

The last time I attended MAF was like ages ago - I can't even remember which year. When will I be able to attend MAF again?

Saturday, October 07, 2006


过去两天,下了雨,是这里半年来的第一场雨。温度突然拉得好低,完全不像印象中的 California。心也开始冷了。

我的资料越堆越高,有一门课程的功课出奇得多,每堂课之前须要读几百页的资料,然后得写一份 Response Paper。也就是说,每周有两堂课,上课之前得读到眼花缭乱后,再写两份 Paper,而且每份 Paper 都算分(所以,这门 10 星期的课要写 20 份的 Response Paper),还有 Mid-term 考试和 Final 考试,还有一个两天的 Conference,外加一份额外的 Research Paper,通通算分。朋友向教授讨价还价,说能不能每周只写一篇 Paper,教授想也不想说了不。教授说,既然我们能考进这间 S-字头大学,学术能力一定不差。



结果,我还不是每周要读 1000+++ 页的资料?

天啊,开学只不过两个星期罢了,我的睡眠时间已经从两星期前的 8 小时减少到昨天的 5 小时。我暂时不允许“论文”一词进入生活中,否则日子会更难过。

Monday, October 02, 2006


开学一个星期了,发现之前写的 “怎么也看不出大学的高压在哪里” 那段话应该收回去。昨天算了算我每个星期究竟有几页 readings 要读,统计后的数字叫我咋舌。加加减减后,总页数竟然有四位数。把眼光放远一点,这个学期总共有十星期,所以届时学期结束后,总阅读页数将多达一万多页。这还不包括准备论文的资料。。。我想我会死得很漂亮。。。




Friday, September 29, 2006

美酒 + 美景 + 美天气




美国最佳酿酒之地就在加利福尼亚州,其红酒和白酒的质地不逊色于来自法国 Bordeaux 的酒。既然来到这里念书,似乎没有什么任何理由能阻止我们彳亍于葡萄园之间,享受在蓝天无云的绝佳天气下品尝一等美酒的自在写意。

从校园到 Millbrae 小休吃点心午餐,然后往旧金山开去,一路向北,路途起了浓浓的雾。我想起(和想念)伦敦早晨的朦胧雾,原来旧金山也和伦敦一样会常常起雾。车离开了山锁雾,便来到了常在旅游杂志上看到的壮观的金门大桥。我从来没有到过著名的金门大桥,我们也没有打算特地绕道去金门大桥看看,可是无独有偶,我们车内的 GPS 系统告诉我们要抵达 Sonoma Wine Country 就得过金门大桥。




之后,我们品尝了大概有二十多种酒,喝地很尽兴,也阔气买了几瓶酒,其中大概那瓶 Cabernet Sauvignon 最香醇,最浓郁,真的是好酒一瓶,价钱当然不菲,一瓶要50美元,但我们还是买了下来。=)



Sunday, September 24, 2006

不知道 Big Ben 何时再为我鸣响?

S 曾经说过 Stanford 像是个巨大的高压釜,可是我们到现在却怎么也看不出大学的高压在哪里。或许是高压釜的盖现在暂时掀开,所以一切阳光明媚,轻松自在。California-式的典型绚丽天气实在美妙诱人,很多人穿着 T 恤和百慕达骑着脚踏车或是溜滑轮代步,也有很多人为了迎新而办烧烤会,委实像豪华度假村多过庄严的学术殿堂。。。

我已经不由自主地爱上 Stanford 了,虽然爱上却有点哀伤。。。此时此刻,我更想念的是伦敦以及伦敦的一切。。。Hampstead,Hampstead Heath,Hampstead Crepes,Ben's cookies。。。真的不知道 Big Ben 要等到什么时候才能再次为我鸣响。。。

Friday, September 22, 2006






Monday, September 11, 2006



Thursday, September 07, 2006


My US hosts for the Stanford Homestay Program, Don and Mary, sent me several emails - they sounded very friendly, offering to pick me up at San Francisco Airport (haha... I can save at least US$20 for the trip), offering to drive me all around prior to the start of school (save more money), and also free accommodation in their house (yet, more savings!):

"Our home is located about six miles from the campus. While you are with us, we will be glad to drive you back and forth and to take time to acquaint you with this area. We think it is one of the nicest places in the country, so expect to hear us brag about it occasionaly! (Don't expect us to be similarly enthusiastic about our government!)...

...Both of us are retired school teachers. Mary taught middle-school students in Redwood City for many years; during those same years I taught high school chemistry in Palo Alto. We have enjoyed the opportunity to do a lot of traveling to many parts of the world. One of our enjoyable experiences was a visit of several days to Singapore, almost thirty years ago. On a number of our trips, we were able to become re-acquainted with former students whom we had hosted while they were attending Stanford or other local schools."

I can't wait to leave Singapore. After living abroad for 3 years (plus 1 more year), I wonder how I'm going to survive in mundane Singapore for possibly the next 6 years. :(

*My plan to visit Peru is still ongoing. Anybody interested?


我从伦敦搬回来的行李,还没有 unpack,现在却要开始收拾美国的行李。



班机已确定,就在下星期五,会在 Seoul 的仁川国际机场转机,预计中午时分抵达旧金山(San Francisco)。


*死报馆始终不肯给我搭新航,最后没办法,只好自己外加差不多 300 块钱,订了新航。:(

Friday, September 01, 2006








Tuesday, August 29, 2006






Monday, August 28, 2006




星期六,本来约好和他们吃晚餐,可是做工所消耗的体力是无与伦比的大,结果懒得出门。然后晚上 10 点,WD 打了电话给我,说他们在等我,内疚感加倍,还是出门露个面比较好。结果,我们七个人一见面,就天南地北。后来,剩下四个人,从 Marina Square 转移阵地到 Bras Basah 的 McDonalds 不知不觉地聊到凌晨三点半。就连从澳洲回来的 GL 也说,我们这次好像是第一次聊到那么久。可是我们一点倦意也没有。

我们七个人从学生时代因为帮报馆拍照而认识,现在我们都没有再帮报馆拍照了。WY 还说她的镜头发霉了,哈哈,JX 说他的 dry pack 也坏了。今非昔比,我们都知道,不过还是有话题聊,骂早报的那几个高层如何还是那么死板,八卦某某某还是一样会拍马屁……哦 JX 明年要结婚了,祝福他。我们那段曾经一起搞摄影展的时光还是我比较刻骨铭心的,毕竟那时我只有 16 岁,以后,我们还有合作的机会吗?


星期天,这是小学朋友的聚会,本来以为只有那几位,可是万万没有想到整整 12 年没有见面的小学朋友也来了,又惊又喜。是的,12 年,提到这个数字,感觉好像好久好久,但是聊起小学发生的事时,一切又历历在目,大家回味无穷。

谁谁谁坐在谁谁谁的旁边?哪个老师听写不及格会把作业本子丢到课室外?放学后喜欢在学校对面的小店买玩具,然后不想回家,跑去某人的家聚会玩 street fighter?到谁的家做 project 的时候,谁的父母会特别照顾我们?谁和谁曾经在班上打架,闹得满班风云?谁和谁每天早上要去 TAF Club 被老师叫去做额外的运动减轻体重?谁家住哪里,门牌几号,旧家的电话号码是什么竟然还有人记得?等等等……




Wednesday, August 23, 2006


大学的资料一份又一份慢慢地送来,我看到眼花缭乱。一年要念完两年的课程,是可以做到的,H. M. 一直这么跟我说。课程选择很多,琳琅满目,可是,我看到大多数的课程题目,就要打瞌睡,什么"Japanese Politics and Political Economy", "China in World Politics", "Chinese Politics: The Transformation and the Eras of Reform", "The US and Asia During the Cold War", "US-China Relations: From the Opium War to Tiananmen", "Meiji Japan"……这些课程我大概是会选修,还没真正读,单看题目就想睡觉。其他课程好像比较有趣,比如"Marriage and Kinship", "The Japanese Tea Ceremony: The History, Aesthetics, and Politics Behind a National Pastime", "East Asian Cinema", "Lives of the Samurai"等等,这些好像没有多大用处,要读也是读爽的。


Sunday, August 20, 2006


很多朋友问为什么这么久没有 update blog 了,刚刚 log-in Blogger 的网站,才发现真的,已经超过一个月没有写了。我只能说,不好意思,真的没时间,没精力,做工的时间虽然飞逝而过,下班后就不想再用脑写东西了。

这一个多月以来,一切还算顺利,只不过前几天发生了一段我从来没有想过会发生的工作小插曲,目前我还是看不出我到底错在哪里,请了各位主任给我意见,还在等待中。深江说或许我没错,或许真的是我判断出了错误,但总是个学习的经验,他还没仔细看我的文章,所以没办法给予确实的看法,只好耐心等待……慧玲也这么说,相信也会给我宝贵的意见,读者的投诉不是没有道理,只是我不完全同意……有结论再 update 吧。

Friday, July 14, 2006

I'm still alive.

To those who frequent my blog:


I’m still alive.  Will write soon when I’m free.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Moving woes

Ok, it must be me. My I-20 form has finally been settled only after 4 weeks. Now I’m stuck at the SEVIS I-901 fee payment, which I paid very early on 16th June, and after 13 days, it still has not been processed. Hey, I paid electronically, not via cheque sent by slow regular mail. What is wrong with the efficiency of the US immigration? Or maybe it is just me.

And so, I cannot proceed onto the ACTUAL visa application. There are 4 forms - DS-156, DS-157, DS-158 and SGP V-4 - to fill in which should not be a problem since this process only involves me. Then, I need to get a cashier’s order from the bank for the visa fee (another fee!!!), since the embassy accepts no other forms of payment, not even debit or credit card or even cash. What is wrong with them?

And then I realise I need to retake my passport photos, since the US immigration only accepts photos that are exactly 2 inches by 2 inches. What the hell.

And so, without the US visa, my 2 boxes to the US are stuck at the UK depot, and so I cannot settle all payment for the shipment and so I cannot close my UK bank accounts before I leave the UK. My 3 boxes to Singapore are already on their way home, and I sent all 5 boxes at the same time. What the fuck.

And to top it all up, my toothache is coming back.

What a great summer!

And what a great way to say goodbye to London!

Saturday, June 24, 2006







Monday, June 19, 2006

Packing Pangs

Packing pangs have officially set in. I am truly amazed by how much stuff I’ve accumulated in three years. I had 4 big boxes (120 kg) at the end of year 1, and 6 boxes (180 kg) by the end of year 2. I’m definite I have more rubbish than last year, maybe 8 boxes (240 kg) now?

I cannot afford to keep everything and ship everything home or to America, though I want to. It’s either throwing into bins, or giving to friends, or donating to charity. Hopefully I’ll end up with just 4 boxes.

I know I’ll eventually get through all these packing woes. I just need time. And patience.

*By the way, we queued for 50 minutes to get crepes just now and the creperie boss unexpectedly said to me, “It’s you again! You come everyday!” In actual fact, I haven’t been to eat crepes for 3 weeks. I’ll miss the crepes. I’m 101% sure I can’t find any other crepes in the world better than Hampstead’s. :(

Sunday, June 18, 2006




Friday, June 16, 2006

Only my tooth can decide.

There are pros and cons in life. One cannot expect to be lucky all the time.

Provisional results were out, and I was just a few thousandths of a percentage less than the first and second positions and could have done *just* slightly better to get the prize of 200 pounds. But I’m happy nevertheless to come third in the cohort. =)

Switzerland was awesome, Madrid was not bad either. But I had to cancel my 8-days Scotland trip starting tomorrow, because of an excruciating toothache (so much more painful than the wisdom teeth) which has been put under control with a strong dose of antibiotics, forfeiting the train tickets and hostel reservation charges (which thankfully did not exceed 40 pounds in total). I had to choose to part with 450 pounds to have my nerve at the root of my tooth removed in London, or to go back home earlier to get the ache sorted out at a much cheaper price. So, I might be back in humid Singapore as early as next week, currently booked on the flight SQ319 on 24th June, next Saturday. Hopefully, I can endure the pain and extend my stay in London and leave on 7th July as initially planned, but I seriously doubt so.

Stella said I can stay as long as I want. Yes I want to, but I have no choice. I don’t want to leave London. Only my tooth can decide now.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Oh well...

Final exams have ended two days ago, and I’m really really really glad that the 3 weeks are now over. A frustrating revision period reading the stuff which I like and which I know I cannot continue to pursue. Glorious sunshine that afternoon lifted my mood for a while. But sunshine and happiness is fleeting - it’s now surprisingly getting cold and dreary yet again on a Saturday afternoon today, with the grey clouds hanging unbelievably low in the sky, not like spring, but more like autumn.

I had some time to rest after exams, and I gave myself a few hours off that afternoon after the finalists’ party. I worked so hard, though some exams could have been better in my opinion. But grades don’t really matter much to me now. What’s the difference between getting a First Class Honours and a Second Upper now? Maybe afterall, I’m not fated to go to Stanford to do Masters in a totally different field - Stanford rejected my I-20 request (a required certificate for student visa application) not once, but three times (and it’s still not settled yet). Is God telling me to follow my interest in Psychology?

Walking alone under glorious sunshine (20 degrees that day!) from Euston to Russell Square to Holborn to Covent Garden to Leicester Square to Trafalgar Square, down Whitehall to Big Ben, after which I sat at Parliament Square for 30 minutes writing a letter to my professor, in which I vented my frustrations. I felt so happy and so free that moment. Free in a bustling London.

What’s done has been done and cannot be undone. I’ll just leave everything to fate. And yes, I still need to talk to that bastard at Stanford to sort out my I-20. Americans don’t seem to understand proper English. Oh well…

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Four more days to my last exam, and I’ll be set free!

Summer plans have been more or less confirmed. I’ll be backpacking in Switzerland, Spain and Scotland (hmm… now I realise that they all start with the letter S), before leaving London permanently on the night of July 7th (so that I can attend the memorial service that day). That’s less than 2 months to say goodbye to everyone here. =(

And then I’ll rest for 1.5 days before starting work on July 10th for 2 months. News desk posting has just been confirmed - and this is the first time I’m actually looking forward to working (this is my 5th internship). Well, it’s a new paper, so maybe not much constraints.

And then, I’ll have a break for maybe 1 week before heading to California. Not that excited, surprisingly.

It’s time to return to books now. After Thursday, it’s goodbye to personality, goodbye to emotions, goodbye to memory mechanisms, goodbye to cognition, goodbye to neuroscience, goodbye to mental illness; and it’s hello China, hello Korea, hello Japan, hello politics, hello history, hello economics... Not looking forward but whatever.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I should have known better...

I should be happy when Harvey wrote me a letter a few days ago, saying that the department is submitting my dissertation for publication in the academic journal, although Harvey said “there is no guarantee that papers we submit will be accepted.”

Lagnado said to me that would be excellent and “you would have something to put on your CV.”

I should be happy, but I’m not.

Instead, I am plainly frustrated.

Haggard said he’s willing to do anything that helps, within his capabilities that can get me out of the bond, so that I can continue PhD in Psychology.

Ah well, I should have known better when I signed my name on that piece of paper 5 years ago. I’ve given up.

Like Harvey said, the accepted publication would probably only “remind me of your time as a psychologist.”

I don’t know what to reply to them.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I am truly amazed today by the people who walked out of the exam hall 30 minutes after the exam started. Either their writing speed is phenomenal, or they just couldn’t be bothered (the latter sounds more likely), which is good news for the rest for us. I mean I wrote 16 pages (no line spacing) in 3 hours -- yes my right hand is still trembling now -- and I still couldn’t finish what I want to answer. How can they finish 3 essays in 30 minutes? Yeah, good, these people should all fail. Yah, I’m evil and sadistic. But I need the first class honours. Let the competition begin. All who have shown efforts (at least all of us who sat through 3 hours) should all be rewarded.

On another note, I still can’t believe forensic psychology came out on the clinical psychology exam today. What’s wrong with the lecturers?

Friday, April 28, 2006



I have officially reached the terminal stage of exam preparations.

First, I left my thumb-drive in Lab 1, only realising after I got out of the building. (This has never happened to me.)

Then I walked past my Dutch classmate in DMS Watson, only knowing it’s her after she stopped me. (This has never happened as well.)

So, if you see me on the streets and I’m ignoring you, it’s not that I want to ignore you, but my mind just somehow gets dissociated from my body. I’m just too engrossed in don’t-know-what and fail to notice you consciously.

On another note, you know you are ready when you can spot mistakes on lecture handouts. Give me any question and I’ll give you flawless essays, I wish.

Monday, April 24, 2006



天啊。75% 不是开玩笑。

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I'm getting a newspaper column, or hopefully...

Seriously, I initially thought my editor sent the email to the wrong person, but after reading the entire email, it turns out it's addressed to me. No errors.

I've been invited to write a commentary column every fortnight for the new Chinese daily due to circulate in June 1st.

It came as a surprise, or should I say shock. I admit when I start work offcially, I do yearn a personal column where I can just rant anything. This came a bit too early, but I suppose it's a good sign. =)

What makes me more excited is I can write about anything, no restrictions except for the usual you-know-what. And since this is a new paper, there doesn't seem to be too much rules to conform to like those in traditional Zaobao.

As my editor wrote: "我们在乎的是看法,表达上可以稍微个人一点......我们的言论不会像早报这么正统、严肃,可以允许稍微偏离主流的调子......尽管写来吧,不要有太大的负担。"

I need to crack my brain soon... haha... what if, eventually the things I write are all crap that can't be published...

(Exams are more important now.)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Wicked London

It's an irony. I was desperately pushing SPH to confirm my Masters just last week, and when they finally did, I'm more relieved than happy actually. So the harsh conclusion now is: my days in London are numbered, and the more I think of this, the more I am not looking forward to going to America. How can three years just zoom past like that? There are still so many things I haven't done and seen yet. Well, there's absolutely no way that I can attend my graduation ceremony, because it clashes with damn SPH's internship. So, I'm trying to prolong my stay in London in the coming summer as long as possible now, tentatively after July 7th, leaving me 6 weeks after exams to say goodbye to wicked London. Don Mclean's "Streets of London" inevitably sprung up to mind:

"So how can you tell me you're lonely,
And say for you that the sun don't shine?
Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind"

Sunday, April 16, 2006



Ok, I admit I am obsessed with Billy now. In less than 24 hours after watching the musical, I bought myself another ticket (55 pounds) on the last day of my exams.

Another song, besides Electricity, that has been on replay mode since that night: =)

Dear Billy [Billy’s Reply]

And please, Mammy…
know that I will always be
proud to have known you
proud that you were mine
Proud in everything…
And I promise you this, Mammy.

In everything I do
I’ll always be myself,

In everything you do
Always be yourself

And I always will be true.

Love you forever.

Love you forever.

Love you forever.

Bye Mam.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Electrifying Billy Elliot!

I thought I needed to do something except than studying, since this is the first Easter holiday that I am staying in London and not going anywhere for holiday.

So, I finally saw Billy Elliot The Musical yesterday night, and it was electrifying! The film version was already very good, but the musical was way better. The ticket wasn’t cheap but it’s definitely worth every penny. (And it was difficult to get hold of a ticket last minute as well.) So, I have decided I am going to watch Billy Elliot again before I leave London for good, which is probably the best way to say goodbye to the West End and London.

All the Billys are only 10-12-year-old kids, and it’s really amazing how such young boys can act and dance and sing for 3 hours 3 times a week. One can just tell how much hard work the boys and the entire cast and backstage crew has put in. I am truly impressed.

I incidentally found this video on youtube, showing Liam Mower as Billy Elliot singing Electricity, which was one of the scenes in the musical sold out every night. (Apart from missing his cue and forgetting the first few words of the song, Liam was fantastic and this was exactly what I saw yesterday. Obviously, it was better seeing Liam right before your eyes.) There’s another scene of Billy flying on the stage, which was the most electrifying I think, but not shown on this video.


(When can I be as free as Billy???)

Electricity ~~ Lyrics by Lee Hall, Music by Elton John

I can’t really explain it, I haven’t got the words
It’s a feeling that you can’t control
I suppose it’s like forgetting, losing who you are
And at the same time something makes you whole
It’s like that there’s a music playing in your ear
And I’m listening, and I’m listening and then I disappear

And then I feel a change
Like a fire deep inside
Something bursting me wide open impossible to hide
And suddenly I’m flying, flying like a bird
Like electricity, electricity
Sparks inside of me
And I’m free I’m free

It’s a bit like being angry, it’s a bit like being scared
Confused and all mixed up and mad as hell
It’s like when you’ve been crying
And you’re empty and you’re full
I don’t know what it is it’s hard to tell
It’s like that there’s a music playing in your ear
But the music is impossible impossible to hear
But then I feel it move me
Like a burning deep inside
Something bursting me wide open impossible to hide
And suddenly I’m flying, flying like a bird
Like electricity, electricity
Sparks inside of me
And I’m free I’m free
Electricity, sparks inside of me
And I’m free, I’m free
I’m free

Monday, April 10, 2006


Finally, it's been confirmed!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


OK, I was bored while studying, so was surfing the web and chanced upon this video of the university's main quad. Isn't the campus just gorgeous? (See video below though its not really well taken, but the campus is still lovely.) I'm getting more and more frustrated with the company. The deadline is next Saturday, and they have yet to decide. And so, it turns out that I have to accept both universities, just in case. I've already gave in by relinquishing Psychology. I'm going to make a big fuss if they do not allow me to go to California.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Choice & Approval

Choice & Approval

I’ve finally made my choice.

Now, I’m just waiting for SPH to approve.

Hope all goes well.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006



房间堆了 15 Marks & Spencer Triple Chocolate Crunch (备考需要大量能量,每两天就可以吃完一盒),还不满足。结果,又跑去买了一盒买五送二的 Ben’s cookies 。我在想,在多三个月,就要和吃了三年的 Ben’s Hampstead crepes 说再见,真的不知道如何是好。刚发现美国只有 Salt Lake City Ben’s ,虽然如此,以后总不能像现在一样走路到 Ben’s 就可以吃到了。或许,我是应该选比较靠近 Ben’s 的大学。西岸比较靠近吧?

Friday, March 24, 2006




Saturday, March 18, 2006

What's the point?

What’s the point?

I decided to take a break and turned on the TV after reading Brewin’s DR Theory of Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Coincidentally, Channel 4 was showing the documentary “The Falling Man” on the September 11th tragedy.

“There’s no blood, there’s no guts, it’s just a man falling,” a survivor said in response to Richard Drew’s photograph of the falling man, after which he broke down.

“It was more than grief,” the program described the psychological impact the trauma had on the survivors…

Then everything I had read just flood back… SAM and VAM, HPA axis, amygdala, LeDoux’s findings, flashbacks, EMDR, imaginal rescripting, Foa’s theory… I was surprisingly able to relate all these to the program…

But what’s the point?

I realise I am still extremely frustrated at not being able to do what I really want after finishing my psychology degree.

What’s the point of knowing how to carry out cognitive behaviour therapy? What’s the point of knowing that benzodiazepines can quell some PTSD symptoms? What’s the point of knowing the differences between Type I trauma and Type II trauma? What’s the point?

I feel like giving up…

Monday, March 13, 2006

More than 8 months

More than 8 months

Time flies. This has been my desktop picture for more than 8 months.

I really really really miss Peru.

I'm looking forward to re-visiting it next year, or even this December if I do decide to go to the US for Masters. Hopefully plans will work out. :)

Viva Peru!

Image hosting by Photobucket
Classic shot at Machu Picchu

Saturday, March 11, 2006

To maintain

To maintain

I know I need to only repeat my second-year performance, and I’ll be on cloud nine.

But I now realise that it is extremely difficult and demanding to maintain abilities.

It’s still possible, I guess.

I still have time.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bad and good news all in one day

Bad and good news all in one day

Two pieces of news came today.

The bad one came first, in the afternoon.

I got rejected from my 1st choice.

Obviously, I was disappointed the whole day.

Till 5 minutes ago.

Another email came from my 2nd choice, which I thought would be another bad one, since all I had received so far were bad news.

“You were accepted into the M.A. program.”

On second thought, could it be a typo?

I’ll wait for the official letter to come.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006



大家都说没关系。H 说:“忘了吧,更好的还没来。”但愿如此。谢谢大家的关心。

哦,H 说他在五月要回来伦敦度假,这才发现,九个月已经过去了,好快。期待我们的相聚。

Wednesday, March 01, 2006





于是,老天也为我哀悼,阳光明媚的大晴天,气温并不太低,有摄氏五六度,却忽然飘起细雪,下了几分钟,而且只在 Hampstead



所以,晚上一个人跑去看一直想看的 The Producers (这个月的第四出音乐剧)。


走出剧场,特意经过最喜欢的 Covent Garden ,格外清爽。



Tuesday, February 28, 2006

OK, 没关系

OK, 没关系

OK ,第一封信来了。



信上说它们得挽拒 7000 多人,是在安慰被拒的人吗?

“…the very high number of extraordinary candidates among our 8,000 applicants far exceeds the number of places we have in each program, and we are not able to admit many excellent candidates.”


Sunday, February 26, 2006



外头零下三度,我在浴缸泡了不算久的半小时热水澡,满室朦胧,在镜子上任意涂鸦,然后躺在绒垫里,边看着无聊的喜剧,边一口气吃了半罐的 Haagen Dazs 雪糕(上个月买了八罐,现在只剩一罐半)。一个人的空间来得不易,所以伦敦的周末夜晚我索性不外出,就一个人这样静静让星期六悄悄溜走,什么都不做,我很少这样奢侈地消耗时间,不过现在发现由此而来的幸福原来也可以很沁人……

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

True Joy in Life

True Joy in Life

I stumbled on this paragraph minutes ago again, a paragraph which I copied in my notebook years ago, and yet I still find so much strength in it.

“This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy…

I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can…

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die. For the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It’s a sort of splendid torch which I’ve got a hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible. Before handing it on to future generations.”

~~ George Bernard Shaw in the Epistle Dedicatory to “Man and Superman” (1903).

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

This Saturday

This Saturday

I think one of the letters has arrived today. I received a card saying “Urgent Delivery Attempted Today,” from a private US delivery company, but nobody was at home to sign for it. Damn…

But I’ve rearranged a delivery on this Saturday. So I’ll know this Saturday… I’m praying.

Saturday, February 18, 2006



午夜 12 点不到就自动掉头睡得不清不楚。



Friday, February 10, 2006



每天登录 HotmailYahooGmail 不少过 20 次。

每天登录大学的电邮户口不少过 20 次。

每天查看它们的网站不少过 20 次。







(强迫症,英文为 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Saturday, February 04, 2006



我们昨天晚上看完 Mamma Mia,在我们的老地方~~新五月花吃宵夜的时候,他终于对我们说了。




Saturday, January 28, 2006

献给亲爱的 Barney ……

献给亲爱的 Barney ……

回来已经三个星期了,却什么也没有成就。讲议愈叠愈高,读书的兴致却成反比。很想在冬天一直冬眠下去,家里实在太过舒服,很多时候本来要出去,后来却索性赖在床上看英国电视,或者依靠着窗看着三三两两的人到对面的 Hampstead Heath 散步。


我想起了 Barney

Barney 已经离开我们快要一个月了,可是直至今日我还是无法习惯他(注:Barney 比人还有人性,所以用不用。)的不存在。他在狗的天堂一定很快乐。他走的时候是圣诞过后,我在埃及的时候。听 Stella 说,Barney 离开的时候是无忧无虑的,一点痛楚也没有。他就在 Hampstead Heath 习惯性地散步,然后越走越慢,最后停了下来,一动不动,在 Heath 的静谧中悄悄离我们而去。

他走了之后,家里没有人(我都说了 Barney 比人还有人性!)再看着我煮饭烧菜。他走了之后,家里没有人会再陪我看电视。我每次从学校回来的时候,没有他在大门摇着尾巴等候我的归来……

现在仅存的是埋在家里后花园的 Barney 的骨灰。


在狗年把这篇献给 Barney 。我知道他在天堂会眷顾我们。


Thursday, January 26, 2006



原来英国人也可以很友善。上个周末,我们开车到 North Wales 去,在停车场正要买停车票的时候,一位年轻妇女叫住我们,主动并且无条件地把她的车票拿给我们用,结果我们省了一笔钱。少了伦敦人的市侩贪婪,多了热情和友善,这是我们每次离开城市往小镇都能得到的深情款待。在冬天原来也能感受到阵阵暖意。

(哦对了,上周末我们前往 Snowdon 和 返回伦敦的途中又碰巧开车经过牛津……深夜的牛津格外迷人……)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Science is an art...

Science is an art…

Now that I have found the story, non-significance doesn’t bother me too much. Science is an art, Dr. L said. And now, I finally understand why. In fact, this piece of art is becoming more and more appealing to me…

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Oxford, yet again

Oxford, yet again.

I have lost count the number of times I went to Oxford, but I’m sure this number is no less than ten. Despite the fact I was there 3 weeks ago on Boxing Day, I agreed instantaneously to my friend’s invitation last Friday. And so, yet again, I went to Oxford 2 days ago.

To Oxford. For lunch and coffee.

I know Oxford like the back of my hand. And there really isn’t anything new for me to explore in that quaint little town. There is simply something indescribable about Oxford that is able to lure me there time after time.

Perhaps it’s the cobblestones that Oscar Wilde once trod on his way to a pub. Perhaps it’s that bench in Merton College on which Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings. Or maybe it’s Christ Church College which stimulated Lewis Carroll to write Alice in Wonderland. Or maybe its Great Hall, the inspiration of Hogwarts Hall in Harry Potter films.

Whatever it is, I know I will miss Oxford. Soon.

Or even now.

And of course, there is no doubt I will miss Trout Inn and Ben’s cookies.

Friday, January 13, 2006








(有时间的话,会把一些照片放在这里,敬请留意。Nile River 还有 Cesky Krumlov 果然名不虚传,漂亮地让我们屏息。)