Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Breaking my b**d?

Breaking my b**d?

I never thought the idea of breaking my b**d would have crossed my mind.

Until today. After an unexpected discussion with my professor.

Yes, I’m seriously thinking about the feasibility and plausibility of breaking my b**d now. But I cannot afford it, I know. So I will not break my b**d, unless somebody is willing to pay all the money (an astronomical 6-digit figure) for me.

Morally and socially, this is wrong, I know. My mind is clear. My professor told me, “This is clearly trickier than I thought.”

“Is it the government or a private company?” Prof P.H. asked.

I told him explicitly, “It is private, but somewhat controlled by the government.”

“What if I write a letter to your company?” Prof P.H. said.

Oh wow, I wish that letter will work. But I told him directly, “Unless I can pay for what I owe them…”

“I see... but I will be happy to do anything else to help.”

“Let me know if I can do anything, if you decide to…” He then repeated.

Suddenly I feel free in my career options. I AM thinking of going into academia after what he said today.

I am still ruminating…

Thursday, November 24, 2005



我知道我离开后一定会想念 Hampstead ,但是直到昨天我才发现我会多么想念这个地方。绕着整个村庄走了一圈好像在梦里游走一样,可能是起雾的关系吧,朦朦胧胧,这样的场景我记得只在电影里看过,还以为现实生活根本不可能有这么一个地方。至少,Hampstead 跟伦敦市中心相差十万八千里。一处传来法国煎饼的诱人香味,理所当然把我引了过去。然后潜意识坐在 Haagen-dazs 外面吃着比在法国煎饼店卖的煎饼还要正宗的 Hampstead 煎饼,我知道我一年后会想念从法国老板娘口里吐出的每句浪漫法语。

听说布拉格也像 Hampstead 一样迷人,挺期待的……

Sunday, November 20, 2005




Wednesday, November 16, 2005



法国发生暴乱,我偏往法国去。结果,在脑里设想的各种刺激遭遇我什么都没有经历,离开 Lyon 后,那里才发生暴乱。早知道我就在 Lyon 待多几天。


原来,去了 Andes 一趟,其他再美丽的风景也只是一般。

Wednesday, November 02, 2005



读完 Hiram Bingham Lost City of the Incas,我发现我始终放不下秘鲁。

通往Machu Picchu 的火车轨道前几天因为土崩被埋了许久,许多旅客因此被困在古城上面好几天,无法离开,高兴得不得了。我现在多么希望我那时候在山上也遇到土崩,这样就可以在古城过夜看日出。

