Friday, October 28, 2005









注:布莱顿的英文名为 Brighton,是英国东南部靠海的城市。布莱顿海边有的是独特的石滩,海浪声与一般的沙滩不同。

Sunday, October 23, 2005



The Program Administrator says one year is possible and in recent years, a number of Singaporeans have managed to complete it in one year. She added that if my Chinese language skills are sufficiently advanced, then I “should certainly be in a position to complete the degree in one academic year.”

Chinese is definitely not a problem. What’s worrying me more is the requirement of switching between both languages, which I am still not quite comfortable with, even after so many internships.

But I really do like the wide variety of the courses available at H University. There is even a full module on learning Cantonese from scratch.

However, she said that they can only confirm after I have received an offer and only after I have matriculated. So, now I have to think of ways to convince my sponsor… and then make sure I get an offer…

Friday, October 21, 2005

Painful Process

It helps having only a few hours of lessons per week. At least I have ample time to do my psychological research and to complete my applications to graduate schools. They seem to be on the right track currently: I am almost ready to run my experiment on people, I only need to change some experimental variables. Applications wise, everybody is giving me their support, and I really feel pampered and lucky.

Letters of recommendation

I was discussing with Professor H regarding his letter of recommendation, and I told him frankly, “I really have no idea how you are going to write since I am not doing Science anymore, but am applying for a Humanities programme.” But he reassured me, “Don’t worry, I’ll write all the flattering stuff. I’ll make sure nothing goes wrong. I’ve got your CV, your academic records, your draft statement of purpose to Harvard… everything will be fine.” (By the way, Harvard’s program is a 2 year course, SPH won’t allow and I’m just applying for fun. Will negotiate with SPH if I do get in.)

Just when I am still dissatsified with my third draft of the statement of purpose, he added, “Your statement looks good. Really helps me in writing my reference.”

And then he asked me when the deadline is. I said “Late December, early January.”

He replied without hesistation, “I will finish the reference by next week.”

My second referee, Dr L, was also very supportive and he said, “You know what, my PhD was in Philosophy, maybe I can write that in and say that I know the qualities and skills required to do a Humanities subject and that you possess these, to make my reference more convincing. Moreover, I am switching to do Psych now, so I don’t see why you cannot switch also.”

Dr L then added, “I am going to the US next month, visiting Berkeley and other universities, and will be meeting some senior professors. I’ll get their opinions on how to recommend and what admissions committee in the US usually look for, and see what I can write for you.”

My third referee, Mr C from Zaobao, was the first person I approached and he instantly agreed to write a reference for me. I still cannot forget his four words “全力支持”, when I first made the request when I was still interning in September. I am counting on his reference since it should be the most relevant to the course I am applying.

I really don’t know how to thank them.

Statement of Purpose

I have already spent 3 weeks on this and I am still not satisfied, and am working on my fourth draft. What makes this task worse is that different schools have different requirements. So, I am writing 2 versions for different schools. The US ones are fine, the UK ones are disastrous. Cambridge initially wanted a short piece not more than 720 characters long. Note that it's not words, but characters, including spaces. I was wondering if they want me to use bombastic vocabulary and idioms? Just when I finished and managed to condense my original statement of 800 words to 719 characters (about 100 words), Cambridge said they want 4 pages instead. I almost want to kill myself when I read that from their email.

But I am thankful that friends have been critical and giving me their comments. Dr L even edited my second draft. So all the more, I shouldn’t let them down and myself down.


This is the worst nightmare I suppose. I am confident in my essays and the maths section, but not the verbal part.

J took the test recently and he said he might have to retake because he did not get 800 for maths. I said, “HUH? 770 for Maths and a total of almost 1500 still not good enough?”

J explained, “Applicants who got in to that course in that university got a minimum of 800 for maths.” (the maximum score one can get is 800).

I almost fainted on the spot.

In that case, do I need to get 800 for my verbal?

But I seriously do reckon that I have to retake the test, since I haven’t started preparing at all.

J said he had never seen most of the words in his life.

H.M said mugging might help. Well, I just printed out the word list.

But I've got only 5 more days.


Saturday, October 15, 2005


身边的每个人都在为功课忙碌,我却整天想要去哪里玩。那天订了去 Prague 还有 Budapest 的飞机票,然后一口气又订了去 Brighton 和 Canterbury 的车票。现在除了在策划埃及的行程,也在勤读英国还有欧洲的 Lonely Planet,打算在近期内又收拾背包去法国和德国旅行。现在想去 Munich 附近的 Neuschwanstein 城堡,还有法国的 Lyon 和 Nice 和 Cannes。我还想去 Arles 看梵高的那间咖啡座。本来也想去希腊,可是机票贵得离谱,只好暂时放弃。英国呢,最想去 Lake District 还有 Cornwall。当然还有 Scotland 的 Loch Ness。

我已经打算考完 GRE 还有完成报考研究所的程序后,每天都去旅行,除了星期二和四上课以外。


可是,去 Peru 的三千多英磅的旅行费(我到现在还没有计算到底花了多少)还没有赚回来,现在口袋又要破大洞。




这就是每个星期只上 4 小时课惹的祸。

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Other Side & The Light

这是一篇没有连贯性的 post。

"Somewhere Only We Know"
by Keane

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me?
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
So why don't we go

This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?


Keane 的这首歌和整张专辑已经永久储藏在我脑袋里,挥之不去。Keane 来自英国,而我这张专辑却是在秘鲁的库斯科市场买的。


那天,终于好不容易用我仅剩的西班牙文回复以前在秘鲁教我西班牙文现在人在爱尔兰的老师的电邮。怎么才两个月,我的西班牙文和Quechua 已经忘了七七八八?Quechua 可是很漂亮的语言,我看我明天会去 Waterstones 买 Lonely Planet 的 “Learn to Speak Quechua” 的语言指南。



那篇命名 “Statement of Purpose” 的文件,前几天已经打算写了。现在,过了几天后,荧幕仍然是空着的,只打了以上那三个英文字。

Neil 那天来我的豪宅,看到我去年在大学考第一的信,说这点可以写进去啊。我说,他们会不会觉得我很不要脸。我在想,我心理学考第一又怎样,我又不可以报考心理学的 Masters Program,因为某人不让。所以,我只好报其他的课程,所以我到现在只打了那三个字。



“If only I don't bend and break
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake”

我在想,我是不是可以看到 "The Other Side" 和 "The Light" ?

现在只有 Keane 的歌可以给我一点安慰。


Bend & Break
by Keane

When you, when you forget your name
When old faces all look the same
Meet me in the morning when you wake up
Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up

If only I don't bend and break
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

Bitter and hardened heart
Aching waiting for life to start
Meet me in the morning when you wake up
Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up

If only I don't bend and break
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

If only I don't bend and break
I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

I'll meet you on the other side
I'll meet you in the light
If only I don't suffocate
I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Final Year in London

This is almost definitely my last year staying in London.

I love London but I love Hampstead more, so much so that when I touched down, I immediately had Hampstead crepes for my first meal.

And I love my new place. I’ve got my own TV cum DVD player, kitchen, fridge, oven, gas stoves, rice cooker, pans, 1 small sofa, 3 chairs, 1 big cushion, 1 fireplace, bathtub, 1 comfortable bed, few bottles of wine, 3 flavours of Whittard Hot Chocolate powder, 4 different kinds of coffee powder (Cappuccino, Mocha, Latte and double chocolate coffee) and many different kinds of tea (Coca Tea from Peru, Ginseng Tea from Korea, Chrysanthemum Tea and Herbal Tea from Singapore). And I just got my internet connection set up in my bedroom, which took an entire week to complete the installation. And just opposite me is Hampstead Heath. The creperie is just 5 minutes away. What more can I ask for? (I’ll possibly put up a few pictures of my place soon.)

To top it up, I have only 3 hours of lectures per week this term, and the rest of the time is dedicated to my research work.

It sounds too good to be true, yah?

Now that I’ve done practically nothing and just stone in Hampstead since arrival in London, the past 10 days has been a well-deserved break after the hectic schedule from late May to late September, so hectic that I only managed to meet up with 2 friends back in Singapore.

It’s time for me to get the engine started again.

A few major things are going to take place concurrently.

Research work for my dissertation is on the right track currently. I’m still in the process of designing my experiment which should be ready for testing in a few days’ time.

Applying for graduate school is one big headache and time-consuming indeed. I’ve gotten my financial letters from SPH and I finally booked my GRE which is scheduled on October 26th. I expect to retake it, especially because I haven’t started preparing yet. Who knows I might have to take it when I’m in Egypt in December? I’ve filled up the basic details for some graduate schools' applications online. I’m left with the Statement of Purpose, CV/resume, Research Proposal, transcripts and letters of recommendation (Shen Jiang has kindly to write one out of the three required, so I need to source for two professors in university). And Oxford needs 2 extra pieces of recent written work, which I don’t have, so I might just give up applying to Oxford. So basically, I need to sort out the above for 5 universities I’m applying to (Cambridge in UK and four others in the US) and the deadline isn’t far ahead. By the way, the application fees are freaking expensive.

And I’ve also booked my air tickets to Cairo after Christmas. I need to plan my itinerary for Egypt and then to source for my air tickets to Prague and back from Budapest for the Eastern Europe trip I’m undertaking prior to Egypt as well.

That’s a preview of my life for the next few months.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


我很久很久没有这么久没有 update blog 了。因为太忙,我连睡觉的精力都没有,这才发现原来睡觉也需要很多的力气。




深江说:“你在早报实习的时候,也是早报采访团队向你学习的时候。”他接着说:“我会大力争取你来早报。不过你以后要 indicate ,不然我上去人事部争取,然后你放别的报就不好了。”




早报采访组 5 位主任,同一个意思,不管他们讲的是不是真的,我还是听了很爽,因为实习了 4 次,从来没有主任这样直接对我说过。


副刊主任佩卿姐那天看到我,笑着对我说:“现在终于看到你的人了,整天看到你的 byline ,为什么没有回去副刊找我们?”








7 万个伦敦人,一个伦敦。