Friday, June 08, 2007


Everytime I see my advisor, I feel weird. Everytime I hear her speak in her masculine voice, I'm perplexed. H still cannot believe she transitioned last summer, and still cannot imagine how a "he" she used to know would look like in dresses, makeup and jewellery and other accessories. Therefore, H kept asking me to take a picture with her. But, I still do not dare... :p

Everytime I meet her to discuss my thesis, I feel the urge to just ask her why. Why at this age? Why now? Why transition? What happened to her wife?

Maybe I'll get to find out when I know her better. Or maybe never.


Anonymous said...

Spent half your life in fatherhood, then another half in motherhood

ntone said...

oh the iPhone! It's gona be released on June 29th I read on the net, and it is the same day I am leaving LHR.