Friday, March 12, 2004

Call from Home

I've got to admit that I haven't called home for ages, about 2-3 weeks. A bit guilty when my mobile rang in the midst of my lesson. It's a private number and instantly I knew it was a call from home. After my lesson I called back immediately. Simply because I don't want my mum to worry.

She asked (more like interrogating) me why I haven't been calling back. She asked me if I have forgotten home. "你作么这么久没有打回来?你在那边久了,就忘了这里 huh?" She repeated these 2 questions a few times. I thought she would add the phrase "你要死啊?" but she did not.

I didn't reply directly and I didn't know what to reply. I just gave a "Err..."

And then she asked when I am going to Holland.

After which I answered accordingly.

Then I purposely asked her if she knew the news that this morning, Madrid in Spain just had a serious series of bomb attacks at the main train stations which killed at least 190 people as of now.

Then she asked me where's Holland and Belgium? Are Holland and Belgium near Spain? "Be careful hor! You better not go to Spain huh, I tell you..." She repeated that a few times as well.

Ok... I thought that was very moving.


Terrorism in Madrid

"SINGAPORE'S Ministry of Foreign Affairs said 'we are shocked and saddened by the horrific news' of the Madrid bombings. 'Singapore strongly condemns such acts of calculated terror and violence. We extend our condolences to the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and families of those killed or injured in the attack. Such acts of terrorism underscore the urgent need for countries to intensify their cooperation in the battle against terrorism,' the ministry said in a statement."

adapted from today's (12th March 2004) The Straits Times

For one of the rare times, terrorism has managed to hit me again. Terrorism is so close, seems like its just outside my doorstep. My friend and I were saying while preparing dinner that ANY bomb blast at ANY part of central London will definitely result in a much much much much much worse disaster than that of Madrid. Just a blast and thousands of lives will be gone in a matter of seconds in any tube station or train station in central London. Central London is simply too congested and populated.

This is a scary thought.

Touch wood.

Oh well, now I can't plan to go to Madrid for the time being.



或许是因为今天早上从 Camden 走到学校的途中,无意间看到平日荒芜到毫不起眼的花园,竟然都被争艳斗丽的小黄花、红花、紫色的花、蓝色的花给弄活了起来。生命仿佛骤然清醒。





就像看海,我也会莫名地开朗起来。London 没有海,找一天我得到英国南端的 Brighton 去再次聆听久违的海啸。


Finally lets forget all the mishaps. On a happier note, here's a joke I remembered from my humour and memory experiment a couple of weeks ago. Just to share:

Harry Swartz is on his death bed, his wife Selda is by his side:

"Selda, you've always been by my side."
"When I broke my leg at 25, you were by my side."
"When I had my first heart attack at 45, you were by my side."
"When I had my second heart attack at 65, you were by my side."
"When I broke my hip at 75, you were by my side."
"And now, when I'm dying, you are at my side..."

"Selda, you're a jinx!!"

Have a good night. Its already Spring and London is still snowing now.

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